I can marry you anywhere in
"Prospective Partner” visa applications.
I can help you and support you by:
1. Supporting your application for your Partner Visa
2. Checking and Verifying your of “Notice of Intention to Marry” form
3. Official legal letter required by the Immigration department.
If your partner is overseas, anywhere in the world
I can prepare a special support letter for the Immigration department,
I will support your application and confirm that you have attended a meeting with me
to discuss the legal requirements
Also complete a “Notice of Intention to Marry” form with me.
All you have to do is phone me for an appointment to discuss your plans.
At our meeting we can arrange a date for your wedding.
If your partner arrives sooner or later than expected, the date can be changed.
The Govt Registry office charge a fee and if late you lose your wedding day.
I can arrange a new date for you.
Click here “Notice of Intention to Marry”
form can be downloaded here with full easy instructions how to complete.
Complete the “Notice of Intention to Marry” as much as you can.
Then phone my office any day (03) 9323 5477 or Mob 0414 317 340
Phone me after 10am any day to make an appointment.
An appointment is necessary, just calling in to my address will not work.
Bring to the meeting photo i.d. your passport, drivers licence and or birth certificate (if you have one)
and details of your partner.
About our Wedding Service
Our marriage business is based on the belief that our customers' needs are of the utmost importance.
Our entire team is committed to meeting those needs.
As a result, a high percentage of our business is from customers families and referrals.
Reviews & Referrals click here
We would welcome the opportunity to deliver you the best service in the industry.
9 MIDDLE ST. HADFIELD, 3046 (between N. Coburg & Glenroy)

Govt Authorised